Psycho-physical wellbeing

  • Fatigue

    Mental fatigue is a condition often linked to poor clarity and reduced ability to concentrate .

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  • Mood swings

    These are sudden and sudden fluctuations in mood, or the way in which emotions are expressed.

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  • Nervous hunger

    Nervous hunger is a common term to define what scholars define as EMOTIONAL EATING.

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  • Insomnia

    Insomnia is a nighttime rest disorder characterized by the inability to fall asleep despite there being a real physiological need.

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    Stress is certainly one of the biggest current problems, as this physical and mental discomfort leads the subject to always be alert and reactive.

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Heart & Circulation

  • Heart

    The circulatory system provides a flow of blood, thus ensuring the supply of oxygen to every area of ​​our organism.

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  • Pressure

    Blood pressure is the pressure that the heart exerts to allow blood to circulate in the body.

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  • Swollen legs

    The swelling is due to a slowdown in circulation and an accumulation of fluids.

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  • Glycemia

    Glucose is the most important simple sugar for the body, as it is the energy source to do its work.

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  • Cholesterol

    Cholesterol is a lipophilic molecule necessary for the transport of fats, ingested through the diet, in our body.

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Detox & Urinary Tract

  • Liver

    The liver is an endocrine gland fundamental to human metabolism.

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  • Kidneys

    The kidneys are the main excretory organs of the human body; They are located on the sides of the spine.

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  • Heavy metals

    Every day we normally end up taking in small amounts of cadmium, arsenic, mercury and asbestos.

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  • Rings under the eyes

    Sleep deficiencies usually appear later, but aging can also be one of the causes;

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  • Prostate

    Prostate problems are frequently of bacterial origin and predominantly affect men over the age of 60.

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  • Anti-aging

    Products defined as Anti Age are made up of antioxidant substances whose action helps protect tissues .

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    Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, and sometimes of the urethra , which can be infectious or non-infectious.

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    Dysmenorrhea is the medical term used to indicate menstrual pain .

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  • pregnancy

    During these months the female body transforms and changes , which is why it is essential to dedicate the right attention to it.

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  • menopause

    Menopause is a physiological moment in every woman's life, which coincides with the end of menstrual activity and therefore of reproductive capacity.

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  • Irritable colon

    Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition characterized by hypersensitivity of the intestinal wall.

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  • Dysbiosis

    Dysbiosis consists of an alteration of the bacterial flora that lives inside the intestine.

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    Flatulence is a condition characterized by excessive synthesis of gas at the gastrointestinal level.

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    It is a very common disorder , very often it is caused by ingesting food too quickly

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    Digestion is the process that allows the breakdown of substances introduced through nutrition into molecules.

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  • Overweight

    Excess weight, due to excessive and abnormal accumulation of fat in the body's adipose tissues .

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    Excessive sport or overtraining involves a series of manifestations caused by different factors.

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    Metabolism is the set of processes whose task is to transform food into energy .

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    Hyperhidrosis is the term used to describe abnormal, excessive sweating .

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    The term sprain indicates an injury to a joint caused by a violent movement.

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    The term joint pain refers to a painful manifestation , often associated with swelling and inflammation.

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  • Muscles

    Muscle pain (myalgia) is a common symptom of many pathological and non-pathological conditions .

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  • Bone fragility

    Bone fragility refers to a condition caused by a reduction in bone mineral density and an alteration of the microscopic structure of skeletal tissue.

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Skin & hair

  • Scarring

    Healing is a complex process of repairing epithelial tissue.

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  • Hair loss

    Hair loss is to be considered a normal physiological process of hair replacement.

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  • Lice

    Lice are small, bite-sized parasites that live only on humans, usually on the scalp.

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    There are different types of burns: those caused by contact with a heat source and those due to exposure to sunlight.

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  • stretch marks

    Stretch marks are scars that appear on the skin, due to the breakage of the elastic fibers of the dermis.

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Immune system

  • acidosis

    Acidosis is the excessive accumulation of acidic substances and toxins in the blood and tissues .

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    Convalescence refers to the period following surgery, an illness or physical trauma .

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  • sore throat

    Sore throat is an acute inflammation of the oropharynx . It can depend on bacteria and viruses or be due to irritating physical phenomena.

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  • stuffy nose

    Nasal congestion is also called nasal obstruction or, more commonly, "stuffed nose".

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  • allergy

    The term allergy refers to an altered and exaggerated response of the immune system.

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