Life has its rhythms , and its times. There is a time to rest and sleep, a time to feed , one to study or work , one for recreation , one for keeping fit. All these activities are important and it is necessary that they have their place in our days.
The word we are looking for is harmony : eat at regular times , sleep 7/8 hours a night , do physical activity for half an hour a day, work or study for 8 hours. The daily routine, where everything fits and slips almost automatically , well regulated is the key to well-being.
When this harmony is broken, when time for sleep is stolen by time for work, when meals are unregulated and nutrient-poor, when time for physical activity becomes time for rest , our body suffers. And what is the first and most common symptom? Fatigue , especially mental .
It occurs as a decrease in the ability to concentrate and memory ; your mind feels dull , you are perpetually drowsy and the motivation fails. You begin to have frequent headaches , in addition to finding it difficult to fulfill tasks that require clarity and attention. Nervousness, anxiety and irritability are also consequences.
How to build a healthy daily routine?
The structure must be based on time: devote the right time to the things you have to do, and give the right importance and value to the moments.
What keeps this structure of a healthy daily routine in place are two pillars: sleep and nutrition .
Neuroscientist Matt Walker called sleep " our superpower ": not only does it allow the brain to make a complete back up of information, to reorganize itself, and to develop memory (worsening memory is directly related to worse sleep quality ), but it also has effects on all the systems of our organism. It has been discovered that sleep is cardioprotective , keeps the immune system reactive, regulates the correct activation and deactivation of genes , clearly affects the mood.

Macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) are essential for the efficient functioning of cells. If these nutrients are lacking, cellular processes become less efficient and the whole organism suffers, slowing down and causing a sense of fatigue. The deficiencies that most frequently result in this fatigue are those of Magnesium and B vitamins . But low levels of minerals and other antioxidant vitamins like A, C and E also make this condition worse. Furthermore, the variety and regularity of meals has a positive influence on the state of well-being.
To get some help and relief faster while working on changing your routine, plants like Rhodiola , Schizandra, Holy Basil and Centella support cognitive abilities and improve cellular functioning . Verbena and Savory act on digestive functions and relax the intestine.
Time, sleep, nutrition, Nature : the four pillars to chase away fatigue and create a healthy routine that allows us to live well and healthy.