“The vast quarters of memory, where the treasures of the innumerable images of all sorts of things rest, introduced by perceptions; where all the products of our thought are also deposited , obtained by amplifying or reducing or in any case altering the perceptions of the senses, and everything that was sheltered and on the sidelines and that oblivion has not yet swallowed up and buried ”. (St. Augustine, Confessions , X, 8, 12)

In an attempt to unravel the mysteries of the functioning of memory , man has worked over the centuries with every method of research and knowledge at his disposal: from neuroscience , biology and chemistry , to philosophy , literature and the visual arts . .

The question why do we remember? (and also why do we not remember? ) has accompanied humanity since the dawn of the history of civilization.

Aristotle, a Reco philosopher who lived in the 4th century BC, was the first to give a scientific approach to the question, distinguishing between re- enactment , that is, voluntarily recalling moments from the past, and memory , an unconscious mechanism for storing acquired information.

Memory also takes on another aspect: that of being remembered , of becoming part of eternity. And here we find wonderful works of art to do it. Think of the Trajan's Column which narrates the exploits of the great emperor, the Homeric tales that hand down the stories of the heroes of antiquity, the detailed biographical and political accounts of historians such as Plutarch and Tacitus, and paintings such as the portrait of the Sun King. to be remembered, and to be remembered.

Associative aspect

Let's then jump to the present day: what does science say? He says our memory is perfect . Yes just like this. It is perfect in assimilating information, it is a little less so in the process of retrieving it. Furthermore, it is 80% visual , and cannot distinguish a seen image from an imagined one, as the areas of the brain that are activated are the same. How many times then did you happen to smell a perfume or taste a dish, and to go back to a past moment in which something exciting happened? This is because the memory is associative .

Biochemical and physical aspect

Then there are also the biochemical and physical aspects that regulate memory: neurotransmitters (acetylcholine in particular), some specific areas of the brain (cortex and hippocampus), and cellular structures such as neuronal microtubules .

There is also memotechnics , that is a set of approaches to improve the learning and information retrieval phase: some are Imagines Agentes, Loci Techniques and Velcro Words.

Natural allies

Nature also comes into play with some medicinal plants capable of supporting brain physiology and consequently cognitive functions . Ginko improves microcirculation in the brain, Eleutherococcus balances neurostramission, Blueberry and antioxidants such as Pycnogenol and CoQ10 protect neurons from oxidative damage.

A long history, many interpretations and approaches lead us to a consideration: memory determines who we are , and who we will be, based on what we have been and what we have lived.


It is a medicinal tincture composed of a mix of four plant extracts specially designed for the memory and cognitive functions . Memora , thanks to the tonic action of its extracts, helps to recover psycho-physical well-being after long periods of stress .

MEMORIES is composed by:

  • Ginkgo biloba; is a plant of Chinese origin, the oldest and one of the few surviving palmates, used in phytotherapy to increase the vascularization of tissues and improve the activity of chemical transmitters in the brain. Useful in case of cerebral circulatory insufficiency, losses of memory, headache, ringing in the ears and cerebral vascular disease.
  • Maca; (adaptogenic plant that has the ability to help the body to be more efficient against excessive stress and against some harmful external substances and agents ) also known as Ginseng of the Andes is a perennial plant that grows in Peru and used for its tonic properties , anti-fatigue and revitalizing. Useful in case of tiredness, fatigue, convalescence and conditions of high psycho-physical stress.
  • Eleutherococcus; (adaptogenic plant) also known as Siberian Ginseng is a plant used for its tonic and anti-stress properties. Excellent during the preparation for sports activities even at a competitive level, useful for concentration and memory during periods of intense study and post convalescence recovery.
  • Blueberry; has antioxidant action and maintains the sight well-being as well as being used in case of venous or lymphatic circulation disorders with sense of heaviness of the legs.

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