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After the binges of typical Christmas specialties and culinary traditions, long-awaited desserts and the timeless pandoro and panettone, it is time to listen to your body.

And the signs aren't exactly encouraging.

Feeling of heaviness and bloating ? Here I'm.

Bowel irregularity ? Sometimes. Often. In short, more frequently than before.

Digestive difficulties ? Almost every meal. The tense stomach, too "full", and that slight but unpleasant general malaise that appears in the post-prandial period are now a constant. And no, the lack of energy after lunch is not considered "normal".

Something is not working as it should and probably the cause is in the digestive system. In particular in the intestine .

The excesses of the holidays have certainly not helped him, and now he finds himself with more or less recurring annoyances that certainly, with the passage of time and the gradual return to a healthy diet will disappear by themselves, but why suffer unnecessarily when Does nature offer so many safe and effective remedies?

Intestinal cleansing: can help

A bowel overloaded with toxins not only sends these toxins to other districts and organs, but also affects mental states. In fact, depressions, chronic fatigue and confusional states that depend on a bowel that needs to be purified are frequent.

Typical symptoms that indicate a need to purify and detoxify the intestine are: indigestion , constipation and / or dysentery, candidiasis, hemorrhoids, halitosis, bloating and malabsorption.

Furthermore, the accumulation of waste in the intestine inevitably leads to inflammatory processes.

A correct purification helps to restore the balance of the bacterial flora , promotes digestion and allows to regain intestinal regularity and well-being.

It is not only an excellent natural remedy for constipation and abdominal bloating, but a real regenerative practice , capable of reactivating the metabolism and also supporting the immune system (whose correlation with the intestinal microbiota has been confirmed by numerous scientific studies).

With Enhanced Clark Balanced Mix it is possible to eliminate impurities, waste and toxins from the intestine. The combined action of the herbs that make up the preparation allows to exert a deep purification of the organism, supporting the functionality of the intestine.

Burdock , Aloe ferox and olive leaves have been added to the classic formula based on walnut , mugwort and cloves , to enhance the effectiveness of the compound and also give it draining and antioxidant properties.

Try the Enhanced Clark Balanced Mix !

For those who want a milder purification of the intestinal tract accompanied by support for the digestive function, there is the Enhanced Green Walnut Hull: perfect for those suffering from intestinal fermentations and stomach weakness. It is sufficient to take 15 drops of this mother tincture twice a day in water, tea or juice for a period of about 15 days to be able to feel the benefits.

Try the Enhanced Green Walnut Hull

If the intoxicated intestine has more repercussions on the digestive process and on the liver, then the best solution is Depur Complex : it is a food supplement containing enzymes obtained from the fermentation of rice maltodextrins , which represent a valid support for digestion; they also help to reduce halitosis, constipation and diarrhea often due to food intolerances.

The concomitant presence of artichoke and milk thistle exerts a moderate purifying and hepatoprotective activity, that of turmeric further promotes digestion and grapefruit seeds and goldenrod exert an antioxidant action. The addition of centella allows to restore irritated or compromised intestinal mucous membranes.

Take advantage of the Depur Complex .

Finally, to restore the intestinal bacterial flora at the end of the purification cycle, it is advisable to take prebiotics and probiotics capable of rebalancing the microbiota, in order to avoid dysbiosis phenomena. Floravita Plus represents the perfect natural solution for this purpose.

With its 10.4 billion live lactic ferments (Saccaromyces boulardii, Lactobacillu s plantarum, Bifidobacterium animalis spp. Lactis ) and prebiotic fibers obtained from Fructooligosaccharides ( FOS ) and inulin , it selectively stimulates the growth and / or metabolism of one or of some “good” bacterial species, it reconstitutes the weakened commensal bacterial flora and regulates the intestinal pH.

Rebalance the intestinal flora with Floravita Plus .