Studies show that 30% of the population has disorders related to the gastrointestinal system .
Abdominal swelling is certainly the most common condition that affects both men and women equally. It manifests itself through an unpleasant sensation of fullness , tension and tiredness both in the stomach and intestinal level.
I know you will have a clear impression of the feeling of tension and bloating you felt after Christmas meals . The abdomen almost seems as if it is about to burst and the so-called "abbbiocco" is around the corner.
The causes
The causes of abdominal swelling can be attributed both to problems related to the intestine (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome) and to incorrect nutrition. What causes swelling is:
- the ingested air
- the gas that comes from dietary fibre
In addition to these, we can add:
- having eaten too much, and above all too quickly
- constipation
- drugs
- celiac disease
- stress or emotional tension
Alteration of the bacterial flora
The alteration of the bacterial flora is also a very influential factor.
The intestinal bacterial flora is found in the colon and is made up of different bacterial strains ; some can be defined as " good ", others " bad ". It is the balance between these two populations of bacteria that determines the efficiency of the so-called intestinal microbioa. For this balance to be respected, "bad" bacteria must be in the minority.
The Flora battery is essential for:
- prevent the passage of toxic substances through the intestinal wall
- promote the well-being of the immune system
- synthesize some vitamins such as K and absorb minerals
- limit the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria .

How to reduce abdominal swelling
Nutrition is certainly the first step to start from to limit abdominal swelling.
There are some foods that promote abdominal tension due to some sugars that can be difficult to digest. In particular, those foods that contain FODMAPs ( an acronym for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols ). Foods that contain these molecules are legumes (e.g. chickpeas and beans), dairy products, sausages or carbonated drinks.
Foods that can reduce bloating include:
Fruit : (oranges, berries, banana, pineapple, avocado), vegetables (peas, carrots, spinach, lettuce etc.), cereals and derivatives: (rice, oats, quinoa, potatoes) , dairy products , mature cheeses, lactose-free milk or dairy products and sausages.
To facilitate the reduction of abdominal swelling, lactic ferments are fundamental, as they rebalance the intestinal microflora. Ginger is an excellent ingredient used as a digestive and bitter-tonic , capable of regulating gastrointestinal mobility and eliminating digestive gases , it also helps to combat nausea.
Fennel has a very important effect on the digestive system . It acts on the intestinal muscles , promoting intestinal transit and facilitating the absorption of nutrients.
Physical exercise is the basis for a healthy body. If the weather permits, treat yourself to a walk, even if it's just for about half an hour.
Furthermore, as anticipated, abdominal swelling can also be caused by an altered emotional state : stress and anxiety are certainly triggering factors. In this, sport reduces tension and promotes the production of the happiness hormone.