The respiratory tract is the first part of the body that is affected by the arrival of the winter season: the first colds and the sudden changes in temperature
is necessarily subject, united this year to an emergency situation, certainly does not make things easy.

Staying warm indoors and exposing yourself as little as possible to cold, humidity, viruses and pathogens seems to be the only possible solution, yet
difficult to put into practice: you still have to go out to go to work and attend to commissions and matters of first necessity.

You have done everything, you have been careful to the unbelievable extent between ad hoc adjustment of the thermostat in the house and shrewdness in dressing warm, but do you have that annoying feeling of swelling in the larynx? Does your nose start to run or, worse, become congested, and are you running out of handkerchiefs in the house?

In cases where the attention and precautions taken are not enough and you find yourself in spite of everything with the classic winter cold or, more generally, with the upper respiratory tract clogged and painful, you have to run for cover.

Assuming that, especially in the current situation, it is always advisable to consult your doctor, there are several natural substances that can give some relief to a troubled nose and throat .

Password: prevent

As the doctor and scientist B. Ramazzini argued, prevention is far better than cure: for this reason it is always advisable, especially in view of the most influential temperature changes, to prepare one's immune system adequately.

In order for it to be able to fight pathogenic microorganisms effectively, it needs to be strengthened with the right ingredients . For this purpose, nature offers portentous solutions.

The best known and most appreciated is certainly vitamin C : available in various plants and fruits, thanks to its high antioxidant power and its
numerous properties prove to be the best strategy to provide valid support to the defenses in view of a possible attack.

Vitamin C comes in several forms, including the convenient tablet format that can be chewed like a regular candy or let it melt in your mouth. This is ideal, because most of the vitamin C is absorbed through the oral mucosa and a slow intake ensures optimal absorption.

Chewable Vitamin C contains vitamin C obtained from natural elements such as L-ascorbic acid (the pure form of vitamin C), pink grapefruit seed extract, an adjuvant against viral and bacterial diseases thanks to the high presence of bioflavonoids, and Camu Camu, a berry-shaped fruit native to the Amazon and renowned for its richness in this water-soluble vitamin.

Do you want to preserve the well-being of the respiratory tract? Don't miss out on Chewable Vitamin C.

For those who prefer capsules, a new product is available: C Vitality Plus.
Based on vitamin C, extracts of Camu Camu and Rosa Canina (known not only for its antioxidant properties but also for its restorative action),
this product is free of sweeteners, dyes and stabilizers and provides a high dosage of Vitamin C.

Every year around this time, history repeats itself and you find yourself with a congested nose and throat? This time run for cover:

take advantage of C Vitality Plus .

How to relieve symptoms and clear the upper respiratory tract naturally?

Popular traditions have a fund of truth that is almost always confirmed, years later, by scientific studies and experiments.

This is the case of the use of Echinacea , a herbaceous plant used effectively in herbal medicine and phytotherapy not only to strengthen the immune system (in fact it has immunostimulating properties), but also for the treatment of respiratory tract diseases such as colds, flu and bronchitis . .

Thanks to its moderate anti-inflammatory activity (in fact it stimulates the production of hormones by the adrenal cortex which have an action similar to cortisone, but much milder), it can help relieve the symptoms of nose-throat congestion.

Combined with ingredients with a balsamic action , such as essential oils of eucalyptus, mountain pine and mint , it helps to clear the nasal passages and to relieve inflamed larynx and pharynx.

The further addition, as in Echinostilla Propoli Maef Spray , of highly purified and concentrated propolis also has an antibacterial effect, preventing the formation of plaques on the surface of the throat and tonsils, and fluidifying and emollient, favoring the dissolution of mucus
and excess phlegm.

Do not miss the Echinostilla Propoli Maef Spray.

For those who want to relieve the symptoms of inflammation that cause that unpleasant sensation of "stuffy nose" and blocked throat but prefer products in drops, solutions such as Ribes nigrum bud extract are also available.
Always used in the herbalist tradition to combat both general and localized inflammatory processes , several studies have shown how
the currant turns out to be the ideal remedy for this purpose thanks to its stimulatory activity of the adrenal cortex and its high content of flavonoids and anthocyanins.

Take advantage of the Bud extract of Ribes nigrum .