It's amazing how, once it is pointed out to them, people suddenly realize how much mental state affects physical well-being. The origin of many ailments or ailments is in fact often to be sought precisely at the psychic level: if nothing else, it is now well known that the first of all causes is certainly stress .

Stress is a psychophysical response to events of an emotional, cognitive or social nature , which the person perceives as excessive. Selye was the first to speak of stress, in 1976, defining it as a "non-specific response of the organism to every request made about it" .

Based on the duration of the stressful event, it is possible to distinguish two categories of stress: if the stimulus occurs only once and has a limited duration, we speak of " acute stress ", if instead the source of stress persists over time, the expression " chronic stress ".

Chronic stress, in particular, in addition to lasting a long time can negatively affect different spheres of private life.

Finally, " chronic intermittent stress " is defined when the manifestation of stress occurs at regular intervals and with a good level of predictability, perhaps attributable only to certain and well-recognized occasions.

What are the causes of stress?

The causes of stress may include situations that require particular attention, organization or precision , or moments of intense study or work . Some physical factors also appear among the sources of stress such as intense cold or heat, alcohol abuse , smoking , but also serious limitations in movements.

Furthermore, chemical, acoustic and light pollution must not be forgotten.

Work stress

The working environment deserves special attention: the frenetic pace to which one is subjected today can determine the onset of a burnout syndrome (literally "burned"), which frequently causes a strong stress reaction in the worker.

According to a definition by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, work-related stress can be defined as a set of harmful physical and emotional reactions that occur when the demands placed on work are not commensurate with the skills, resources or needs of the worker.

Much of the stress of everyday life therefore comes from work. The increasingly fast pace and the pressing demands of companies, in addition to the growing tendency to identify with their work, often determine a large investment of resources which, prolonged over time, can seriously affect the well-being of the individual.

Symptoms of Stress

Not all stress symptoms are easy to spot. Although it is difficult to provide an exhaustive list, it is however useful to identify the most frequent ones so as not to underestimate the problem.

- physical symptoms: headache, back pain, indigestion, tension in the neck and shoulders, stomach pain, tachycardia, sweating of the hands, insomnia , fatigue, loss of appetite.

- behavioral symptoms: compulsive eating, excessively critical attitude towards others, bullying behavior, difficulty in completing tasks.

- emotional symptoms: tension, anger, nervousness, anxiety, frequent crying, unhappiness, a sense of helplessness, agitation.

- cognitive symptoms: problems with concentration, distraction, constant worry.

How to counteract stress?

Counteracting the causes that cause stress is not always easy, especially since they are often difficult to identify; moreover, it is not always easy to get around or avoid them.

However, there are remedies to counteract the most common symptoms :

  • Evening bath: if the problem is nocturnal restlessness related to sleep disturbances, a warm bath taken before going to sleep can help dissolve accumulated tensions; the important thing is to experience it as a break to pamper yourself.

  • Herbal teas: there are several relaxing herbal teas, from the classic infusion of chamomile flowers to targeted plant synergies based on verbena, passion flower, hops, lime and lavender. You are spoiled for choice. Only recommendation: if drunk after dinner, pay attention to the amount of sweetener. In fact, sugar and honey have energizing properties.

  • Aromatherapy: there are several natural essential oils with a calming action, such as those of lavender , chamomile and lemon balm.

  • The temperature: the heat promotes relaxation and creates a comfortable and reassuring atmosphere. Unfortunately in this season rain, frost and snow do not help, but inside the home or at least in the room where you rest or spend most of the time it is advisable to maintain a temperature of at least 22-23 ° C.

  • Medicinal compounds: resorting to natural remedies based on plant extracts formulated specifically for their anti-stress action can prove to be ideal. As Antistress Complex , a medicinal compound based on Rhodiola rosea , Schisandra chinensis, Oats, oat fruits, Centella, Verbena and Savory, which promotes physiological relaxation by counteracting anxiety, nervousness and fatigue and improving night rest.