What is that?
Zeolite , also known as "boiling stone" as it heats up if a little water is sprinkled on it, it is a microporous mineral of volcanic origin that has a very particular chemical-physical structure, which gives it certain properties and characteristics. Thanks to these it is often exploited in the health and cosmetic fields.

Zeolite in the chelation process
The most frequent and known use of zeolite is undoubtedly that relating to the body detoxification process (also known as chelation ). Thanks to its honeycomb molecular structure, this mineral performs a very effective chelating action against heavy metals (but also against toxins and other polluting chemicals that have accumulated in biological tissues); in fact, it has a natural negative charge which, by attracting the positively charged ions of heavy metals to itself, allows it to bind them by “tearing them away” from other molecules. Since zeolite is not absorbed in the intestine, it is then eliminated through the faeces along with all the harmful substances that have joined it.
Other uses of zeolite
Zeolite is also an excellent ally for the epidermis ; it is in fact often used as an ingredient in topical preparations for acne, itching, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and other skin disorders; it is also used as an ingredient in cosmetics and deodorants, as it absorbs perspiration and unpleasant odors, making it ideal in case of excessive sweating of the body.
For topical use it can be used in the form of a powder and dab it on the affected areas with a wad soaked in water, massaging gently. In addition to soothing the discomfort of the inflammatory manifestations of the skin, it also improves its appearance because it has a purifying action on it.
Another use is its addition to supplements for athletes and for those who carry out intense mental and physical activity, since it is also useful for fighting fatigue (linked to an excess of waste that weighs down the body).
It also has alkalizing and antioxidant properties ; this also makes it ideal for convalescents and elderly people.
The process of zeolitization, or the transformation of rocks into zeolites, is common in regions subject to ancient volcanic activities, such as the regions of Paratunka and Pauzhetka in Kamchatka, and particular areas in New Zealand and Iceland. The only zeolite mine in Italy is in the province of Grosseto.
The use of zeolite as a food additive has been authorized in Japan since 1996, where it was found that adding zeolite resulted in higher nutritional value of foods and fewer digestive disorders.
Zeolite was also used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and later in Chernobyl, to help those affected by radiation. In more recent times it has been used to clean the sea of radiation following the Fukushima disaster.