Once the holidays are over we return to the frenetic rhythms of everyday life : work, family, school, commitments, dates and deadlines, which leads, if we are not able to manage it, to stressful situations that negatively influence our well-being.
What is stress?
In the meantime, let's start by understanding what stress is: any endogenous or environmental condition capable of threatening the balance of a living organism.
The human organism has the ability to adapt to stress , an activity that is carried out by the neuro-vegetative and endocrine systems , modulated by the hypothalamus. When the hypothalamus is informed by the receptor systems (smell, sight, hearing, touch, etc.) of the presence of a situation capable of threatening the integrity of the subject , it prepares the organism to face the aggressive factor instantly, determining a series of modifications that lead, in a few tenths of a second, to attack or flight .
Alarm phase
This phase called alarm has two hormones as protagonists: adrenaline and norepinephrine , produced by the adrenal medulla. These hormones determine: the redistribution of arterial circulation with an increase in the level of skeletal muscles (to increase physical performance), the reduction of circulation at the skin level (in the event of a wound, bleeding will be less), horripilation (the straightening of the hair , also present to a limited extent in humans, gives the animal a more massive and threatening appearance) mydriasis, increased pupil diameter and increased heart rate.
Resistance phase
If the stress persists, the system prepares itself to sustain the confrontation with the disturbing agent over time: we then enter the so-called resistance phase. In this case the hypothalamic response will not be of the nervous type, i.e. faster but also more energetically expensive , but of the endocrine type, i.e. slower but more persistent and therefore more economical . This last pathway involves two endocrine glands: the pituitary gland and the adrenal gland.
Failure phase
Therefore, if stress continues for a long period , symptoms related to the action of cortisol may appear: arterial hypertension, diabetes, depression of the immune system. This is the breakdown phase, where the negative effects of the stress response outweigh the positive ones. The possibility that this condition occurs, sooner or later, depends on the constitutional characteristics of the subject and the functional capabilities of the various structures involved in the response to stress.
The iris
Coming to our topic, let's first examine the aspects inherent to the mechanisms of reaction to stress , as the iris is able to inform us in a simple and rather precise way about the factors which, on a physical level, can interfere with a normal and physiological response to stress .
We will focus our attention on the projection areas of the glands involved in this function: at 12 o'clock for the hypothalamus, at 12.05 on the right and at 11.55 on the left for the pituitary gland, at 6 o'clock for the adrenal gland. In these locations we will evaluate the presence of congenital signs (thinning, gaps, crypts), evidence, if present, of a functional lability linked to genetic factors, or of acquired signs (spots, pigments) which, based on their chromatic characteristics, they will show us the causes of anomalous endocrine activity .

We will then check for the possible presence of anomalies in the contraction rings (indication of a need for trace elements) or transverse radial fibres, indicators of interference, including geopathic type or electromagnetic pollution, capable of altering the hypothalamic response.
Other very important signs are the pigments referable to an altered functioning of "our glands": the bright yellow-orange color for the adrenal gland and the bright red color for the hypothalamic-pituitary central endocrine complex. Detecting these pigments in any area of the iris can indicate an abnormal response to stress, whether hyper or hypo .
We always keep in mind that the negative effects easily manifest themselves in the weakest structures , indicated iridologically by gaps present in the projection sites of the organs.
Moving on to the energetic level , it is particularly interesting in relation to stress to apply the knowledge of energy medicine to iridology . We know that one of the fundamental principles of TCM is that of the five energetic movements which, based on the variation of the yin-yang relationship, give rise to all manifest phenomena. Among these phenomena we can identify the organs ( Kidney, Liver, Heart, Spleen-Pancreas, Lung ) and the psychic aspects related to them ( fear, anger, joy, worry and sadness ). By observing the color of the pigments possibly present at the iris level, we are able to identify which organ may be disturbed in its function , thanks to the colour-organ correlation identified by Dr. S. Rizzi: light yellow = Kidney, brown = Liver, beige = Pancreas, black = Lung
The Heart does not appear among these correspondences, because, being an expression of the maximum yang, it has no matter and therefore expresses itself at the level of an immaterial structure: the pupil .
Once this correlation has been made, we can consider the hypothesis that a negative emotion may be at the basis of stressful manifestations . Thus, for example, the presence of a light yellow pigment, which reminds us of the Kidney, can make us think that at the basis of that subject's stress there is a fear that colors his experiences , while a brown pigment , linked to the Liver, can indicate a state of tension linked to repressed anger .
To complete: the presence of a beige pigment leads us to think that we are faced with a particularly apprehensive and easily worried personality; a black pigment, a stain, can indicate a person with difficulty in contacting his own interiority and who consequently has an altered relationship with others, to the point of manifesting melancholy and sadness.
Super Ego
Equally interesting, if we move on the psychic level, is the study of the pupil , as from it we can obtain data relating to the limbic system , a structure capable of generating emotional sensations aimed at a specific behavior: for example, the feeling of hunger pushes the The animal searches for food in the environment, while satiety induces calm behavior. In humans, all impulses are evaluated by a psychic structure, the Super-Ego , capable of blocking certain behaviors that are not in harmony with the teachings received from society and religion. Therefore, if certain needs stimulate emotions that push man to adopt behaviors that the Super-Ego does not approve , the hypothalamus continues to warn that something has not been resolved and activates the resistance mechanisms, considering the unsatisfied need an agent of threat to the integrity of the individual.
The pupil
The resulting persistent growth of cortisol can, as we have seen, determine pathological states over time, in relation to the secondary effects of this hormone. From a diagnostic point of view, investigating the psychic level, we will analyze the pupil , because it is precisely this structure that reflects the situation of the limbic system. Our attention should focus on pupil size and pupil deformations:
– a small myotic pupil indicates drives that push the subject towards material acquisitions (money, nice cars, a nice house, success at work, etc.). It is important to verify that these impulses are not frustrated;
– a large, mydriatic pupil, on the other hand, is typical of those who project their expectations into more subtle fields (aesthetics, friendship, availability for others, etc.). These people are easily subject to stress , given that the way of life of us Westerners is not very in tune with such temperaments;
– temporal deformations may be related to tensions with the environment. We often observe them in patients who are unable to assert themselves, in the workplace or in the emotional sphere. Laterality is decisive, as on the right we find the aspect anima (affections) in women and animus (work) in men, while on the left the anima for the male and the animus for the female are highlighted;
– as for nasal deformations , the problem is often an internal tension, of relationship with oneself, of self-consideration, of self-esteem. In this case it becomes important to analyze the past, to try to identify any blocks in the evolution of the personality, from an infant dependent in all respects on the family environment to an adult capable of asserting himself confidently in the world in which he lives. These aspects can be studied at the scleral level, because that is where, according to authoritative sclerologists, the influence of the environment manifests itself.
To work practically on stress, I recommend the following Ecosalute products:
- Alkavita Mag tablets
- Magnesium B Vitality
- CurcuMaxima
- Antistress Complex
- Ribes Nigrum bud extract
- Nitrocs
- VitaQuore Q10
Vanessa Parducci
Email: vanessaparducci@gmail.com
Tel: (+39) 3315273739
Integrated functional naturopathy and prevention
Iris microsemeiotics
Chinese Medicine
Energy supply consultant
Natural medicine for dogs