In particularly delicate periods like the one we are experiencing, we can make the most of the time spent at home with a valid alternative, completely healthy, to moments of boredom. Do you all have bottles of water on hand? Well, they will be our tools for some GYM AT HOME.
A workout to be carried out quietly in the living room, bedroom or wherever you prefer, even better if accompanied by your favorite music!
It is a 3/4 lap circuit (different from person to person, based on the starting training level) and consists of 4 exercises:
- * Back lunge * 10 times for each leg
- * Glute bridge + crosses * (position of glute bridge + movement of crosses with water bottles) 12 times
- * Plank * for 30 seconds
- * Truster * (squats + vertical thrusts with water bottles) 10 times.
Click here to watch the video of the workout!