Who hasn't at least once failed to digest?

Having a swollen stomach , feeling heaviness and intestinal discomfort are some of the warning signs of poor digestion.

Dyspepsia or indigestion can be due to stress, a poor diet or a habit of eating in a hurry.

In doing so, the stomach becomes overloaded and slows to empty itself with consequent heaviness and tension. The feeling of bloating and heaviness in the stomach after meals is sometimes associated with sleepiness and difficulty concentrating.

Closely related to poor digestion is gastroesophageal reflux (daytime but also night) which presents with heartburn after meals with acid regurgitation and abnormal heartbeats.

Can these annoying ailments be remedied?

Nature comes to our aid thanks to the fennel plant, especially its white leaf sheaths, which form the heart, to be eaten raw or cooked, and its seeds, rich in minerals such as iron and calcium. Fennel is a low calorie vegetable, rich in water and dietary fiber.

In the past, fennel was not a salad but a precious condiment used for therapeutic purposes. Romans and Greeks revered this vegetable thanks to its healing properties and in Chinese medicine it was used to increase breast milk in new mothers. In the past, fennel was considered a symbol of renewal. In fact, it was thought that this vegetable helped snakes change their skin. 

Friend of digestion , it eliminates intestinal gas and has antispastic properties , it also has the ability to decongest the liver , so it is useful in digestive headaches. In addition it helps with the drainage of liquids and counteracts menstrual pains .

Discover Fennel in officinal tincture