Everyone, on a daily basis, is subjected to mild but constant intoxication by heavy metals present practically everywhere.

Where are?

Cadmium, mercury, lead and arsenic are just some of the toxic metals found in fruits, vegetables, fish, shellfish, water and even in the air. In fact, infinitesimal quantities of lead and arsenic are present in the water due to old pipes, just as the air is impregnated with slight concentrations of mercury due to the exhaust pipes of means of transport and industrial plants; as far as food is concerned, it is contaminated since these substances tend to accumulate not only in the cultivation and breeding environments, but also in the organic tissues.

Why are heavy metals found practically everywhere?

These are very easy to find materials and at a relatively low cost; they also have particular chemical-physical characteristics that make them almost indispensable for industry. There are those who, due to the type of work done, are more exposed to it than others.


What are the consequences?

Usually a certain concern is shown towards possible heavy metal intoxication only in the case in which there has been a prolonged and acute exposure of several days and in the case in which evident symptoms occur, giving less importance to repeated and constant intake at low dosages. This is wrong, as these substances accumulate slowly and in a way that is not always detectable.

The daily contaminations deriving from these elements over the years add up, and can cause or aggravate problems. In fact, heavy metals tend to bioaccumulate in hair, bones, lungs, liver and adipose tissue, replacing essential elements of our metabolism. They thus form compounds with no biological utility, such as lead which replaces calcium in bones and nerves and replaces iron within hemoglobin molecules, leading respectively to bone fragility and poor oxygenation.

How are they eliminated?

A diet based on natural and organic products as much as possible is certainly important, but sometimes it is not enough.

It is possible to do once or twice a year detoxifying treatments with natural chelating agents (less aggressive than drugs and not harmful to human cells), which bind to these molecules and "drag" them out of the body.

Among the chelating remedies of natural origin, the best known are certainly the chlorella alga , the famous freshwater algae with known detoxifying properties, zeolite (a mineral of volcanic origin used for years for this purpose) and coriander ; a mother tincture based on this plant has an excellent chelating effect, but to completely expel the substances bound to it and prevent them from remaining in the circulation, it is advisable to combine it with another substance effective in expulsion. A good association is to combine coriander with chlorella, in order to combine the two effects and enhance them.