When do you know about iridology? Find out everything about this discipline in the article by Vanessa Parducci , naturopath expert in iridology.

Body and mind, interpreted according to a holistic conception

Iridology is the discipline which, through the observation and study of the iris, investigates physical and psychological aspects of man, thus determining his predisposition to contract certain pathologies , the degree of intoxication and reactions at a behavioral level .

With iridology, an examination of the iris is carried out to establish a preventive and global health balance ; through the iris it is in fact possible to know the organic constitution of the subject , his vitality , both physical and psychological reactive capacity , the state and the condition of his organs .

Iridology is therefore not a diagnostic method but an analysis where, for example, the toxin load of the excretory organs (kidneys, lungs, skin, intestine) and its quality are evaluated. We can define it as a causalist method, i.e. research the primary cause of an imbalance.

Modern iridology was born in 1800 in Hungary, thanks to a doctor Ignaz Von Peczely , thanks to him and his successors several schools of thought were born all over the world :

  • The German school , with a purely organic interpretation
  • The French school with a homeopathic, energetic and naturopathic focus, as well as the American school
  • The Italian school with a multidimensional orientation and among the major exponents we can include Luigi Costacurta and Sigfried Rizzi, to the latter we owe the invention of the iridological maps which are still used today during the analysis of the iris.

As we have said, the iridology investigation analyzes various aspects of the individual , the constitutional ones, the psychic ones and the energetic ones, all these aspects with their specific interpretations, will contribute to outlining the general picture of the person, defining their characteristics .

Let's see in detail the various types of iridological investigations:

  • Constitutional iridology functional and sectoral verification of organs and systems. Analysis of different vulnerable terrains
  • Psychosomatic iridology, psycho-behavioral analysis of character, research into physical and psychological trauma
  • Psychological iridology method of analysis of the individual's personality
  • Bio-energetic iridology analyzes the synergy between the fundamental structures: physical body, vital energy and psyche


  • Constitutional strength and weakness (predisposition to disease)
  • Primary nutritional needs (in relation to the various types)
  • Hyper or hypo activity of the gastrointestinal system , organs, tissues and glands
  • Poor assimilation of nutrients
  • The presence of accumulations of toxins
  • The eliminating capacity of the excretory organs
  • Diabetic predisposition
  • Congestion of the lymphatic system
  • Cardiovascular and blood circulation disorders
  • Predisposition to tissue inflammation
  • Efficiency of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system

We can therefore, through the iridological investigation carried out with the special instrument called iridoscope, differentiate the various types of irises and consequently trace their pathological tendencies .

Irises are divided into three types:

  • Hematogneous , dark irises (all shades of brown) belonging to peoples who in ancient times came from hot countries such as Africa, the characteristic of these irises is that they need to "feed" on exogenous heat.
  • Lymphatic, clear irises (all shades of grey-blue) belonging to peoples who in ancient times came from cold countries such as the Nordic countries, the characteristic of these irises is to produce endogenous heat (fever, inflammation, allergies)
  • Mixed, light irises (all shades of green) with a hematogenous tendency, if brown tissue prevails or lymphatic on the contrary if lighter-blue tissue prevails. It goes without saying that these irises will be characterized by pathological phenomena belonging to the basic color that prevails .

After having determined whether they belong to the types of irises just described, we will move on to the fundamental aspects that allow us to better understand which genetic or acquired signs characterize the iris and which give us a variety of information:

  • Constitution > evaluation of the background color of the iris on the structure of the iris tissue (genetic sign)
  • Arrangement > evaluation of the structural arrangement of the connective fibers that make up the fabric of the iris tissue (genetic sign)
  • Diathesis > presence of colors added to the background color of the iris (acquired sign)

The lymphatic constitution

In the lymphatic constitution , where the color of the iris varies from light blue to grey , with dark blue color of the basal layer of the stroma, we will find as a peculiar characteristic softly stretched visible fibers and a typical lightening of the external edge of the crown.

The pathological tendencies of these irises mostly concern the serous and immunological mucous structures, disorders of the lymphatic system , disorders of the urinary tract, tendency to acidic soil and therefore a predisposition towards gastric ulcers, uremic, rheumatic and allergic diseases, increased feverish activity and overload of the immune system .

The hematogenous constitution

The hematogenous constitution characterized by an iris color that varies from light brown to mahogany has , unlike the previous example, a velvety appearance of the iris stroma which makes it impossible to see the underlying fibers. Often these irises are characterized by a particular concentration of pigment (toxic accumulations or chronicity) or by lightening (inflammatory states). Their pathological tendency is linked to blood disorders (dyscrasia), hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, vitamin deficiencies, lack of minerals and micronutrients, high propensity to metabolic diseases (diabetes, gout, obesity) subacute pathological processes with increased tendency towards chronicity and poor activity feverish.

The mixed constitution

Finally, in the mixed constitution, where the color of the iris is characterized by a co-presence of light blue or grey-blue and light brown or green , it is always necessary to check what the chromatic dominance is.

What characterizes these irises is central heterochromia , that is, a color different from the rest of the iris only in the central area of ​​the iris.

The pathological tendencies of mixed iris are mostly those affecting the hepato-biliary system, digestive problems caused by genetic weakness of possible enzymatic and/or fermentative nature, weakness of intestinal immunity, increased inclination to convulsions, spastic circulation disorders blood, intestinal, renal, bladder disorders and tendency to biliary lithiasis.

There are many other iris signs that the Naturopath specializing in Iridology is able to interpret according to the different schools of teaching, all aimed at finding or maintaining homeostasis.

The iridological investigation path is a journey through the deepest aspects of the person capable of stimulating the internal search for mental and physical energy and supporting the user in choosing the natural path best suited to their constitution and symptoms.

Vanessa Parducci
Tel: (+39) 3315273739
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