Parla l'esperto: l'importanza del pH corporeo Ecosalute

The expert speaks: the importance of body pH

Stefania Marcolongo , naturopath specializing in phytotherapy, aromatherapy, flower therapy and nutraceuticals, talks about the importance of the correct acid/base balance and how to maintain it.

“Let's admit it in this last period, thanks to the Christmas holidays , we have all (or almost) had a very tasty and rich but ' unbalanced' diet and therefore right now, with the start of the new year, is the best time to include among the good intentions is to rediscover the vital acid/alkaline balance that we talk about so much.


What is it ?

Acid-base balance is a complex and essential mechanism for maintaining the homeostasis of our body and ensuring health , youth and vitality .

How does it work?

Nutrition and metabolism provide acidic and basic elements to the organism.

To maintain the acid-base balance and eliminate waste substances , the body relies on the excretory organs , especially the kidneys and lungs , which are thus constantly subjected to intense work. Sweat glands , skin and intestines are also involved in elimination.

A fundamental role for the protection of the acid-base balance is also played by the extra-cellular matrix where the lymphatic fluid is formed: during the day it absorbs acidic substances and releases them at night , through the kidneys and sweat glands .

However, when it finds itself having to counteract the excessive production of acidic substances , the organism activates the " buffer system ", a mechanism which, with the action of water , carbon dioxide and minerals such as calcium , magnesium , iron , potassium and sodium , reports pH in balance .

However, when the organism is no longer able to maintain this balance, it undergoes chronic acidification of the tissues.

In fact, a deviation from the basic pH reference value of 7.4 and therefore slightly alkaline , means altering the correct functioning and speed of biological reactions .

What is acidosis and what does it cause in our body?

Acidification is one of the most widespread disorders today and is mainly caused by an incorrect diet : on the one hand mainly composed of sugars and refined carbohydrates , red meat , milk and derivatives and fast food and on the other lacking fruit and vegetables raw and whole grains and water.

Other causes of chronic acidosis are, for example, superficial breathing which does not allow good oxygenation , the way of eating - eating fast and/or excessively , stress , sleep disorders , air pollution , the practice of too intense physical activity and advancing age.

  • Consequences of acidosis

The consequences vary from common gastric discomfort , but also tiredness , depression , low immune defenses , up to more serious pathologies such as burnout syndrome, osteoporosis , rheumatism , diabetes and arteriosclerosis, autoimmune diseases and so on, indicators of an incorrect acid balance -basic of our body.

  • Acidosis and aging

The acid-base balance is also closely related to the aging process. If the tissues of our body are in constant imbalance towards acidity, they will tend to age much more easily .

How to understand if you are in acidosis and how is it measured?

Early signs may vary from one or more of the following:

  • abdominal swelling
  • digestive difficulties
  • lack of tone
  • pallor
  • morning fatigue
  • gum problems and bad breath .

To be sure, you can carry out salivary and/or urinary tests to precisely know your urinary PH .

What can we do to maintain acid-base balance?

First of all, choose a more careful and conscious and alkaline-oriented diet .

In fact, food can be divided into acid or alkaline : fats , carbohydrates and proteins , if taken in excessive quantities, create metabolic waste that cannot be filtered and expelled and, remaining in the body, cause acidosis .

While fresh plant foods have a beneficial effect : sprouts, for example, contain nutrients and enzymes capable of alkalinising the body . Lemon is one of the most powerful basificants present in nature.

It is advisable to also eat fruit , preferring seasonal fruit and without exaggeration, due to the presence of sugars.

An alkaline diet with an ideal body pH is therefore obtained by consuming alkalising foods in the right quantities (raw vegetables, fresh fruit, almonds, millet, lemon juice, honey...), and on the contrary by limiting/eliminating both the introduction of prepared industrial foods with refined flours and artificial sugars , smoking, alcohol, carbonated drinks.

Minerals also come to our aid which allow us to control the acidifying effect .

Magnesium should never be missing, it also helps relieve tiredness , fatigue , muscle cramps .

Calcium and magnesium together contribute to normal energy metabolism

Potassium plays an essential role in the body and is involved in most vital functions. Together with sodium and chlorine it regulates cellular acid-base balance .

Zinc helps restore normal acid-base metabolism and is important for the proper functioning of cognitive functions.

The water we drink has a PH that significantly affects the body: let's choose one with a value around 7.

Breathing is also an important tool for rediscovering acid/base balance, but it is such a vast topic that it is worth dedicating a specific study to it.

In conclusion, choosing to regain your acid/base balance brings you these benefits:

  • sleep better and have a restful sleep
  • have greater energy and psychophysical well-being
  • increase immune defenses

In short, having greater health, vitality and well-being.”

Discover the line dedicated to alkalization