Convalescence is a very important period for the health and well-being of the organism.

The world goes faster and faster. While convalescence was once experienced as a normal and necessary recovery period, today it is no longer the case.

In part, it is the human being himself who no longer gives this rest period the value it deserves. When you undergo an operation or when you get sick, you can't wait to get well in order to be operational again. Unfortunately, doing so exposes us to a series of risks that are often underestimated.

What does it mean to be in a state of convalescence ?

It means that the body has not yet fully recovered from an illness , surgery or trauma and therefore needs a rest period to recover all its energy. Convalescence should follow these events, as the body needs to rest and allow itself and the immune system to return to maximum efficiency .

It can be a more or less long time span depending on the case; usually a feeling of general weakness is perceived and fatigue is immediately felt, physical but sometimes also mental ; even the simplest actions are difficult.

Furthermore, in this period people are particularly vulnerable to aggression by external agents , bacteria and viruses in particular.

Convalescence after an illness

What has been lost more and more over the years is the convalescence after an illness, which remains a fundamental thing, even if the problem was a trivial flu. This is especially true for elderly people or people with chronic diseases . In fact, the risk is that of a relapse , which actually prolongs the times of "forced rest".

You should therefore be very careful: if you go back to work, it is better to avoid overloading yourself from the first day. In the first week after healing, it is always advisable to rest as much as possible , avoid catching cold and in general not to require excessive efforts from your body. The body needs rest in order to return to giving 100%.

Post-operative recovery

Fortunately, it continues to exist even as healing times continue to shrink. In this case, much depends on the type of operation, its outcome and the consequences it entails.

It goes without saying that post-operative convalescence is even more important than that following an illness: after an operation, the entire organism needs to readjust itself, not just the operated part, and returning to a state of complete well-being could take weeks or even months .

How to help the body during recovery

To help the body get back in strength in the correct way, the first thing to do, in addition to ensuring optimal rest , is to regulate nutrition . A balanced, healthy and balanced diet can make a real difference. It is good to prefer foods rich in noble proteins (especially if convalescence requires a prolonged period of immobility, to avoid excessive loss of muscle mass), such as those of fish, Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins and mineral salts , as well as adequate amount of carbohydrates , preferably wholemeal .

During this recovery period, it may also be useful to take some vitamin supplements, which allow the body to overcome the asthenia typical of convalescence. Generally, the most recommended are vitamin C or B vitamin supplements. The latter, especially when combined with minerals such as magnesium , can prove to be a panacea for debilitated people.

Don't miss out on Alkavita Mag , which contains magnesium and vitamin B.

Do you want to recover fully and fully ?!

Try the Immuno-shield package , consisting of the new C-Vitality Plus + Floravita Plus, at the price of € 29.30 instead of € 34.50.

The last point, certainly not least, on which to act is in fact the intestinal balance . The importance of a healthy intestinal bacterial flora in guaranteeing a correct functioning of the immune system has recently been confirmed; it is therefore important to take care of your intestine and, especially in the case of dysbiosis resulting from illness or taking drugs, to rebalance the microbiota. Floravita Plus contains the right mix of prebiotics and probiotics to get your gut back on its feet.