To return from holidays without stress, organization is what it takes.
Whether it's a return to school or a return to the offices to work, planning all activities in advance will allow you to experience everything without stress and anxiety. Back to school, in addition to affecting children and young people in various age groups, is also tiring for parents and adults who, in addition to facing the return to school of their children, must return to the workplace.
First of all it is advisable to have an agenda to record all the commitments and activities of the day, week and month. It is also useful to set an index of the priorities of all activities.
Having a home and an organized work space helps to simplify everything, avoiding delays especially in the morning when getting ready to go to work or having to prepare children for school.
Planning needs to be applied at all levels: shopping, preparing clothes and deciding times for a morning routine.

Getting your body used to specific times, going to sleep at the same time and waking up early in the morning, returns to the rhythms imposed by school and work. It is essential for children to re-establish precise schedules, so that they are more awake and efficient in daily activities.

Dedicating the time to carry out activities to practice such as a sport or a hobby allows you to switch off and face the day with less stress. It is a precious time that must be planned and filled with activities that recharge us.
For kids who go back to school, this could be a sporting activity that they can practice together with their classmates, such as a football or volleyball team.
For the older ones it could be a cooking class, dance or physical activity.