Dr. Ghilardi , nutritionist biologist, talks about a spice little used in Western cuisine but rich in nutrients.
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is a plant belonging to the Apiacea family native to the eastern Mediterranean .
In Europe it is grown above all in England , France and the Netherlands , little in Italy.
It is used a lot in China, where it is called the " Chinese parsley ", obtained from the fruits of the plant that are dried , have a spheroidal shape similar to peppercorns and yellowish in color, and are used in the kitchen to flavor food and drinks , thanks to the their vague scent of orange and lemon peel.

Fresh or dried leaves of this plant can also be used, similar to parsley, however, they have a spicy taste . This spice lends itself very well to flavor soups and broths , legumes , meat , fish and vegetables , especially cabbage and sauerkraut .

Its main feature is to be able to help against digestive problems : coriander is in fact carminative (reduces the presence of intestinal gas) and antispasmodic , and therefore reduces digestive difficulties and bloating .
Relieves tiredness and fatigue and stimulates brain activity , as well as appetite . Coriander also has an antibacterial and fungicidal effect.
Another study, on the other hand, has highlighted how coriander fruits can be a valid aid in the treatment of migraines , as they have been shown to be able to reduce both the pain , both the duration and the frequency of migraine attacks . . Among the contraindications, it should be remembered that when used in excessive doses it can cause nervous and kidney disorders.