With the onset of summer, the nightmare of dog owners becomes more and more concrete: ticks and fleas can't wait to cross the path of your dog .
To prevent the attack of these parasites, the dog's coat can be prepared with Neem Seed Oil .
It is an oil that is obtained by cold pressing the seeds of the fruit from the Azadirachta Indica plant, with a very high concentration of beneficial active ingredients .
Repellent action against fleas and ticks
The repellent and fungicidal action is obtained thanks to the active ingredients and the typical smell of aglina , thanks to its characteristic odor, it is considered one of the best pesticides against ticks , fleas and mosquitoes.
How to apply it?
We recommend that you prepare your dog's or cat's coat in early spring. The oil can be applied directly to the hair , insisting on the affected areas such as the neck , ears and paws .
For a preventive action we recommend applying Neem oil every two / three days
Small tip:
If your furry friend is used to wearing a collar, you can apply a few drops of oil on the collar as well.
Disinfectant for the doghouse
The kennel of animals can become a real nest for parasites , and since they spend a lot of their time curled up in their favorite place it is good to keep it clean and sanitized .
Just add about 10 drops of oil to the mixture previously prepared with warm water and neutral soap.
Cleaning with Neem Oil is ideal as it is environmentally friendly and extremely effective in its duty.

During grooming
If you are among the lucky ones who have space available and do not have a little devil as a pet, you can give yourself the luxury of bathing him at home.
Between one shake and another, remember to apply a few drops on your friend's coat , in addition to preventing the attack of ticks , it will make the coat shiny and soft .
Why choose it?
Replacing commercially available chemicals with Neem Seed Oil has many positives.
First of all and ssendo pure, it is harmless for both people and animals, as it is antiallergic , its naturalness also makes it suitable for even the most sensitive skin .
Thanks to its numerous properties and its versatility , it can also be used for the needs of the owners , it can also be used in cases of:
- Contact allergies
- Burns and burns
- Eczema and dermatitis
- Psything
In the case of larger areas of the body or areas near the face, we recommend using Neem Leaf Oil which is more delicate and less repellent.