Ogni organo ha la sua pianta, ogni pianta ha il suo scopo Ecosalute

Every organ has its plant, every plant has its purpose

Each organ has its own " trusted plant ", with unique and highly concentrated active ingredients that act in a sometimes specific and sometimes more generic way. Officinal preparations such as mother tinctures and bud extracts serve to extract these phytocompounds and further concentrate them, and also allow the intake of molecules that are present in parts of the plant that we humans would not consume, such as bark, roots and flowers. We have selected some of these medicinal preparations and associated them with the organs of the human body to give you some more information.

The lime tree and the nerves

TheTilia Tomentosa bud extract is very rich in active ingredients that act on multiple levels, and which overall have an anxiolytic, antispasmodic and sedative effect. It is particularly useful in those cases where there is a strong somatization of anxiety and stress on the gastrointestinal tract . The fraction of flavonoids , rich in Quercitin, and that of Kampferol glucosides such as Hesperidin and Stangalin, have a strong calming effect on the central nervous system, especially in those cases where spasm dominates. Tannins, aromatic acids and mucilages enhance this anxiolytic activity. Another effect of Lime is the peripheral vasodilatory effect , which positively influences reducing any tachycardia due to states of stress. Triterpenes, saponins and aromatic acids normally present in the sapwood of the plant are also found: these phytocompounds add diuretic properties to the lime bud extract. This type of formulation is a glycerine extract of pluripotent buds , and therefore we have the active ingredients present in the entire plant (and not just in leaves and fruits as in the case of the medicinal tincture). We therefore find in Linden a natural remedy, traditionally effective and safe , against insomnia and states of anxiety and stress, with a multipurpose action on the organism.

The Hawthorn and the heart

The action on the cardiovascular system of the Hawthorn bud extract ( Crataegus Oxyacantha ) makes it one of the most studied and used plants in phytotherapy. The protoanthocyanidins present have a sedative effect on the cardiac muscles, regulate their contractility in case of arrhythmias and tachycardias, and decrease the resistance of the peripheral blood vessels. The result is therefore that the heart is able to beat regularly and without effort, and the blood is able to circulate more easily in the body. Other uses of Hawthorn are for arterial hypertension and palpitations . Flavonoids, such as Vitexin, Rutin and Quercitin have an antioxidant and protective effect on the arteries, and we also find triterpenes and sterols which also have a cardioprotective effect. This action of Hawthorn on the heart rhythm results in a relaxation of the nervous system , with an anxiolytic and calming effect. This plant can therefore also be recommended in cases of stress and anxiety which affect the cardiovascular system.

The Walnut Hull and the Intestine

Thanks to its antiparasitic and antifungal properties recognized as effective, the walnut husk medicinal tincture is a remedy used for more than 2000 years in different parts of the world. Its uniqueness is given by a molecule called Juglone : ​​this has an allopathic activity , that is, capable of limiting the growth of living beings with which it comes into contact. In the specific case that interests us, intestinal parasites . Each of us has parasites that live inside the intestines. Usually living with these entities does not cause problems, at least as long as their number and volume remains under control or there are no concomitant pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In any case, it is recommended to do an antiparasitic treatment once a year to keep the intestine free from parasites, and Walnut Hull is the most effective natural remedy, if not the only one. Among the other active ingredients we also find unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic, stearic and linoleic acid which have a beneficial effect on pathologies caused by chronic inflammation such as psoriasis and eczema. Flavonoids, on the other hand, have antioxidant, neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory activity.

Fennel and the stomach

The use of fennel in traditional medicine has its origins in China and Egypt , where in addition to being used as food it was also considered a medicine with very varied indications: to improve digestion, to increase milk flow, to soothe sore throat and insect bites. In Ancient Greece the doctor Hippocrates used it to relieve stomach ailments, while during the times of the Roman Empire it was considered a sacred fruit for its digestive properties. In Ayurvedic Medicine it is used for its warming properties and for problems with abdominal swelling and meteorism. We therefore see that the most widespread use, for millennia and in all parts of the world, is the digestive one, particularly in the stomach. The Anethole present in the fennel mother tincture is the active ingredient that acts primarily on the reduction of abdominal contractions with an antispasmodic effect. It also increases the secretions that support digestion (gastric, pancreatic juices and bile) and has a carminative effect, which limits the formation and stagnation of gas at the gastric and intestinal level. A well-known, studied, safe plant, whose properties everyone can benefit from.