Are we alone inside of us?

No, we have a planet of microorganisms inside us! Man is made up of numerous parts of the body where there are billions of tiny live microorganisms inside that will make up the entire human microbiota.

The human microbiota is defined as "the set of microorganisms located in the parts of our body that interact with the outside world." So it is a dynamic entity as it grows with us!

To keep the digestive system in balance, we must not neglect the microorganisms that populate the intestine. An alteration of the intestinal flora, both for physical and mental reasons, leads to digestive difficulties, low immune defenses but also problems such as diarrhea.

How does the intestinal flora work?

The intestinal flora performs various activities including:

- breaks down foods such as fiber as the human digestive system is unable to digest and absorb.

- synthesizes vitamins , especially those of group B and K

- metabolizes cholesterol

- strengthens the immune system , in fact the intestine is the first organ to be purified and detoxified to maintain a good level of defense against external attacks.

What are prebiotics and probiotics?

Prebiotics are non-digestible foods that stimulate the growth and activity of bacterial species in the colon . They are a food mixture able to favor the proliferation of good bacteria and instead prevent that of pathogenic microorganisms. In nature they are found in various foods, especially in foods such as wheat flour, bananas, onions, wheat germ, beans and garlic.

There are different types of prebiotics:

- dietary fiber , useful in regulating and speeding up intestinal transit.

- inulin , the polysaccharide with a laxative effect, improves intestinal absorption of calcium and reduces cholesterol.

- the fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) , short-chain fructans bring balance to the bacterial flora.

Probiotics , on the other hand, are microorganisms such as bacteria and yeasts, which form a real protective coating . They are considered "good" bacteria and are normally present in the intestine and resistant to the digestive action of gastric juice, they can also be found in food products such as dairy products and baked goods. To be effective, probiotics taken with the diet must have some fundamental characteristics:

- Being able to overcome the gastric barrier

- Produce antimicrobial substances

- Contain a large number of live and viable bacteria

A mix of prebiotics and probiotics is essential for the balance of the intestinal microflora, which is why their action is defined as symbiotic. 

Products designed for intestinal well-being

FloraVita Plus and Inulin , taken together, are a valid help to rebalance the intestinal flora.

Floravita Plus contains 10 billion live lactic ferments allowing a correct supply of prebiotics, probiotics and B vitamins . Ideal for those suffering from intestinal disorders, dysbiosis and constipation

The probiotics present are the best known, such as Saccaromyces boulardii, Lactobacillus plantarum and Bifidobacterium animalis . These are able to adhere to intestinal cells and colonize them, thus favoring the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms.

The prebiotics present, on the other hand, are FOS and Inulin , two substances capable of promoting the proliferation of probiotics and instead prevent that of pathogenic microorganisms.

Inulin is useful for maintaining normal intestinal transit . It is obtained from chicory, it is not decomposed by digestive enzymes and arrives directly in the intestine, guaranteeing a proliferative advantage to useful bacterial strains.

Discover Floravita Plus and Inulin

A bit of history:

In 1825 there was for the first time the possibility of identifying the effects generated by negative emotions on the functionality of the stomach and digestive system. This was possible because William Beaumont, an American surgeon, suffered a gunshot wound that never completely healed. For this, a sort of "window on the stomach" was created, thus allowing the digestive processes to be closely analyzed.