Who said that the most precious pearls are the ones we wear around the lobes or around the neck?
The soft gel pearls of Perilla contain all the active ingredients that characterize and enrich plant products (eg oil seeds) or animal products (salmon, herring, etc.), what are they? They are Omega-3-6-9.
Integration is therefore essential, especially for those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet
Also called polyunsaturated fatty acids , they are essential for our body because it cannot synthesize them by itself.
Perilla extract , a herbaceous plant native to Asia, is known in Chinese medicine as a remedy for diarrhea , but also for flu , anemia , rheumatism , blood circulation problems and neuralgia .

In homeopathy, Perilla is also used in case of: fever , cough , chills and headache , as it is naturally rich in iron , vitamin C and antioxidants .
Perilla extract is rich in polyphenols , essential oils and many polyunsaturated fatty acids , especially linoleic acid .
- Perilla seed oil
- Omega 3 Alpha Linoleic Acid
- Omega 6 Linoleic Acid
- Omega 9 Oleic Acid
- Vitamin E
In this case we can say: "two pearls a day keep the doctor away!"
They are useful for:
- strengthen and support the body's natural defenses
- relieve inflammatory states
- improve rheumatism and neuralgia .
Lipid profile:
- Alpha linolenic acid (ALA omega 3): 45-64%
- Oleic acid (OA omega 9): 12-25%
- Linoleic acid (LA omega 6): 10-20%
- Gamma linolenic acid (GLA omega 6): 0-1%.
Thanks to the presence of riboflavonoids and Omega 3 essential fatty acids can be useful to support the body's immune response, especially when spring and pollen arrive .
The integration of polyunsaturated fatty acids will not avoid coming into contact with pathogens, but prepares the body to better deal with any disease. A balanced diet is essential to make all the nutritional principles interact with each other, in particular, the greatest synergistic effect is obtained by coupling vitamin D , zinc and omega-3 , together in fact, they can be considered real response modulators immune .