A desire for spring , a desire for color and what better time than the month of March to talk about flowers and plants!

We are preparing for the summer and the flowers are the symbol of rebirth that give positive energy to our mood.

One of the funniest activities to do this season, even if you don't have a real "green thumb", is to dedicate yourself to planting flowers.

For those who have a garden, the game is quickly done, but also for those who have a small terrace or balcony they can indulge themselves, recreating a small flowered corner ad hoc.

Each flower its perfume, but also a particular meaning, unique for each flower.

Choosing the right flowers, however, is not always easy and often there is the risk of growing plants that are not suitable for the season or the place where we want to arrange them.


Before sowing directly in the home or in the ground, it is good to perform routine work such as working the soil thoroughly in order to make it soft and suitable for receiving seeds.

It must be tilled well with suitable tools for gardening, turned and disinfected with suitable tools and then enriched with slow-release fertilizer or mature manure.

Before proceeding with this type of sowing, make sure that the sowing pots are thoroughly disinfected; the soil is the right one, soft, well drained and rich in organic matter.


Geranium is the balcony flower par excellence: colorful and fragrant, as well as cheap (a plant costs between € 5 and € 10 depending on size and variety), it is very strong and resistant and does not require special care.

Geranium is also very easy to plant, just extract a small sprig from a pot and insert it into the soil forming a deep enough hollow, being careful to clean the trunk from the leaves and eliminate the dried flowers. Geranium loves sun and light and also keeps mosquitoes away in the summer!

In the language of flowers, the red geranium represents comfort, the pink one represents the nascent affection.

Tulips are the symbolic flowers of spring. Colorful and cheerful, they bring back a smile and a good mood and are often used to create beautiful bouquets.

You can plant them in a flower bed or in a pot on the balcony, the important thing is that you choose a sunny place, preferably outside, in the garden or on the terrace. Bury them twice as deep as their length (about 8 centimeters) and at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other, with the soil not too moist.

Before flowering, tulip bulbs need to be watered every three to four days. In spring, during flowering, they need to be watered more often, every two or three days. To give some nourishment to the tulips that are growing, it is good to put a little fertilizer in the ground.

Also for the tulip the meaning varies according to the color (red; declaration of love; yellow indicates that there is "the sun in your smile" and also a desperate love).

Lavender is one of the most romantic and beloved plants. Gives freshness and positivity!

You can decide to grow lavender in pots starting from the seeds or to buy a seedling directly. Choose a sunny location (lavender needs 8 hours of sunshine a day) and, if the weather is too harsh, keep your seedling indoors near a window because lavender needs a lot of light to grow and bloom. The most suitable variety of lavender for growing in pots is Lavandula angustifolia of the Nana Alba variety.

Lavender flowers take on the symbolic meaning of purity and devotion.