It is the mineral of the vitality , of energy and of health . Contributes to the health of the skeleton, heart and blood vessels, to the improvement of memory , concentration and good mood . In the human body it ranks second in the ranking of minerals present in the body. Together with calcium and phosphorus it forms bone tissue, regulates insulin production and participates in the transmission of nerve impulses. Thanks to magnesium the body can increase its ability to assimilate vitamins (B, C and E) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus and potassium).

The body needs magnesium! Muscles, heart, nervous system, bones and teeth remain healthy only thanks to an adequate presence of magnesium.

Since magnesium is deficient in over 60% of people (we are talking about hypo-magnesium) it is necessary, more and more often, to integrate it into our diet by taking the right dietary supplement. This also happens because cooking and refining destroy the magnesium present in foods. But it is not enough that the package says "magnesium", you need to understand what is inside and if the body is really able to use it.

Indeed, magnesium oxide it is the most common form of magnesium sold in drugstores and grocery stores, but sadly it has been shown to have an absorption rate of less than 4%. The best known brands are in shape citrate (i.e. composed of magnesium carbonate plus citric acid), a formula that transforms into magnesium chloride when in contact with the gastric juices (hydrochloric acid) of the stomach. This transformation, however, consumes a large part of the magnesium taken in.

The magnesium chloride it is recognized by many professionals and doctors as the main magnesium compound for both dietary and topical uses, due to its high potency and efficacy of action.



The magnesium chloride he is also highly regarded for his role in production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Some people simply don't make enough hydrochloric acid (HCl), which can cause a number of health problems related to metabolism and nutrient absorption. As we age, the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach decreases , often dramatically, and its reduction is difficult to diagnose.

The use of magnesium chloride as a supplement it has the added benefit of helping to reduce many potential problems that could result from the steady decline in stomach acid secretions.

These can include:

  • Poor absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • Bad digestion.
  • Increased susceptibility to unwanted bacteria, viruses and yeasts passing through the gut.


  • As a tonic. A deficiency produces nervousness and type 2 insomnia (characterized by regular falling asleep but with frequent awakenings and a consequent feeling of tiredness). In addition, states of anxiety, anguish and a heightened emotionality appear.
  • On the nervous system , favoring its proper functioning.
  • On muscle functions and normalization of heart rhythm , against muscle cramps, marked fatigue and excessive fatigue.
  • On the skeletal system , it is necessary for the health of bones and teeth.
  • On aging , it rejuvenates the brain, decalcifies joints, reduces muscle stiffness, cramps, tremors and hardened arteries.
  • On the acid-base balance , as an alkaline mineral, necessary for the maintenance of a correct electrolyte balance.



The reasons are many; the most banal is certainly the unpleasant taste , as magnesium powder dissolved in water tastes bitter and salty. Also, the main problem with the powder version is poor absorption , that is, the body's ability to store or reuse the substances ingested; unfortunately the dust has no protection, being thus deteriorated by the enzymes in the saliva and by the gastric acids, moreover a part is inevitably "lost" along the way.

The advantage of the tablet is given by its own coating which contains its flavor and protects it until its arrival in the intestine, the optimal place for absorption. Also with adding vitamin B6 , it increases the ability to absorption of magnesium in the cells. Particularly designed for people (especially women) deficient in this vitamin, which works with magnesium in many enzyme systems and increases its intracellular accumulation.



Magnesium B-Vitality it is particularly indicated in post-operative periods , of convalescence , in pre -, post - menopause And andropause . Indeed, this particularly rich formulation serves as a restorative and energizing . Helps to raise the immune defenses it's at speed up the healing processes , thanks to its contents of calcium, phosphorus, zinc and all the B vitamins ... in addition to magnesium of course!