No language can express the power, beauty, heroism and majesty of motherly love.

Edwin Hubbell Chapin

One day is not enough to celebrate it

Why did this day come to be established?

Mother's Day is a civil event that celebrates the figure of the mother and the social influence that mothers have.

In Italy it is celebrated on the second Sunday of May in line with about 2/3 of the countries of the world. The first official date of this holiday is in 1958 when Raul Zaccariche institutionalizes it.

The modern Mother's Day is due to Julia Ward Howe who, in 1870, began her battle for the institution of Mother's Day, a day initially intended to make us reflect on the period of the war. Forty years later, Anna Jarvis again proposed this holiday in honor of her mother, a teacher with a profound pacifist spirit.

For Mother's Day we created the code MOMMY10

to take advantage of the 10% discount on the whole order.

The code will be valid until midnight on May 9, 2020.

Greetings to all mothers!