Even if it was not a particularly cold winter and indeed one of the hottest in history, there was no lack of flu syndromes, illnesses and associated fever states and especially in the last period we have witnessed the spread of the new Coronavirus.

Who are the people most at risk?

Basically we are all subject to risk, as being a new virus we do not have antibodies. The subjects to pay more attention to are the elderly and the debilitated. This highlights the importance of being healthy and having good immune defenses. Children appear to be nearly immune from contracting the virus.

What is it about?

The Coronavirus identified in Wuhan, China for the first time in late 2019 is a new viral strain that has never previously been identified in humans. It was called SARS-CoV-2 and the respiratory disease that causes Covid-19. It looks like a crown, hence its name.

What are the symptoms?

The most common include fever, cough, breathing difficulties. In severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.

How to defend yourself?

- Wash your hands often and avoid contact with nose, mouth and eyes.

- Clean the surfaces with alcoholic disinfectants.

- Avoid coming into contact with those who have respiratory problems and flu.

- Coughing or sneezing into a handkerchief or with the elbow flexed.

- Stay home if you have symptoms

These are the main common sense rules to follow.

The virus is not transmitted through food, which in any case must always be handled respecting good hygiene practices.

These days the infections are increasing but panic must not take over. Instead, we must apply the right precautions, never let our guard down and abide by the health rules that are promptly provided to us.