Strengthen the body's defenses quickly and easily? You can ... with Echinostilla Propoli MAEF !
Designed for the well-being of the throat, the new Echinostilla Propoli Maef supplement in the convenient spray format is an effective and valid ally against the first colds and more, increasing the body's defenses.
Its balsamic aroma, delicate and not intense, makes it particularly pleasant on the palate thanks to the combination of Mint, Mountain Pine and Eucalyptus.
How does Echinostilla Propolis work ? What are the main ingredients?
- Echinacea
Echinacea is a wonderful fuchsia-purple daisy-like flower grown all over the world for herbal and ornamental purposes. Among its many virtues, it certainly boasts as its main one to increase and strengthen the immune defenses, preventing the onset of colds. Hers is a truly fascinating story: already known in ancient times for its therapeutic properties, it was used by American Indians to treat wounds from snake bites and insect bites and then landed in Europe at the end of the 19th century.
But how does this precious plant work? Its operation is really simple. Echinacea has an immunostimulating effect that is expressed by increasing the activity of white blood cells, thus improving the body's resistance to external aggressions. In particular, it reduces the chances of contracting the viruses responsible for colds and flu and speeds up recovery times. Antiviral and antibacterial therefore but not only, echinacea has an anti-inflammatory effect (it also acts positively on the mucous membranes which helps to relieve inflammation in case of cough, bronchitis and in all problems affecting the respiratory tract).
- MAEF propolis
It is a substance composed mostly of resins, balsams, waxes, pollen and both vegetable and mineral organic substances, produced directly by bees to protect their hives and contains nutrients, mineral salts and vitamins of group B. The benefits of propolis are known to all: for its components, it is a great ally of our immune system with which it works to fight colds, treat sore throats and relieve flu symptoms in general.
The propolis extract contained in Echinostilla Propoli Maef is obtained through a High Efficiency Maceration. This extraction method allows to obtain a highly concentrated propolis. In addition to being free of waxes, making it more bioavailable in this way, and of environmental pollutants.