Digestion is the process by which substances introduced through food are broken down into simpler molecules and absorbed by the body.

The macronutrients present in foods, ie carbohydrates, fats and proteins, are broken down into their components thanks to digestive enzymes present in the oral cavity, stomach and intestine; in the latter site they are also absorbed, starting the following assimilation process that transports them to all the cells of the body thanks to the bloodstream.

More and more people complain of disorders related to the digestive process.

The triggers can be different: an unbalanced diet, excessively rich in refined carbohydrates and fats; eating quickly and voraciously, swallowing too much air while chewing; use of medicines (especially anti-inflammatory); being subjected to constant situations of stress, anxiety or nervousness.

Whatever the cause, the symptoms are really very unpleasant and day after day they create continuous challenges for those who suffer from them.

The most frequent symptoms of poor digestion include:

  • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach and abdomen
  • Pain or burning in the stomach
  • Abdominal cramps or colic
  • Formation of intestinal gas
  • Irregularity of intestinal transit (constipation or diarrhea)
  • Nausea
  • Acid reflux

In some particular situations, (for example in the case in which this is due to psychosomatic causes), the symptoms can worsen in case of high tension, agitation or anxiety or following the consumption of a certain food or drink.

5 rules to relieve and prevent these ailments

  • First of all it is good to follow a varied and balanced diet, preferring a light diet in the case of an acute phase of the disorder and favoring the consumption of small and frequent snacks during the day, so as not to overload the stomach: green light therefore to a fruit to mid-morning or a yogurt as a snack.
  • Reflect on whether an incorrect habit , for example eating too fast , is among the triggering causes: it is good to try to chew slowly, in order to allow the enzymes present in the saliva to start the digestive process thus facilitating the work of the stomach. It will also have a benefit in terms of weight: the sense of satiety in fact occurs only about 20 minutes after the start of the meal.
  • Eliminate , as far as possible, the psycho-somatic causes where present: tension, anxiety and stress are in fact the main causes of poor digestion or related disorders. Recreating a peaceful environment around oneself, eating meals in a quiet atmosphere and slowing down the pace are the first steps to facilitate the digestive process.
  • If there is an association between the digestive disorder and the intake of a certain drug , talk to your doctor and together find an alternative or a synergy that allows you to reduce this side effect; for this purpose there are also many natural products .
  • Resort to nature : there are in fact several plants that have been used for centuries for their digestive and carminative properties.

Among these, fennel is the natural remedy par excellence in case of problems related to digestion: it facilitates the secretion of gastric juices, stimulates gastro-intestinal motility and inhibits the formation of intestinal gas .

Try Fennel Officinal Tincture

A mild colon cleansing can also help, especially if the problem occurs mostly in the intestine. The green walnut husk , in addition to facilitating digestion , also has purifying properties that are useful for counteracting fermentation and abdominal cramps .

Discover the Green Walnut Hull