In physiological quantities, cholesterol is essential for the construction of healthy cells (it is in fact one of the components of the cell wall), but when the circulating levels are high it constitutes one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases .

Excess cholesterol, in fact, tends to settle on the walls of the arteries, making them thicker and more rigid. This process, called atherosclerosis , can lead over time to the formation of real plaques, which obstruct - or completely block - the blood flow, with consequent risks to the cardiovascular system.

Contrary to popular belief, it is largely produced by the body and only minimally introduced through the diet.

The cholesterol present in the blood is transported inside particular molecules, called lipoproteins. There are two main types of lipoproteins, which together make up what is called total cholesterol:

  • low density lipoproteins or LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), also known as "bad" cholesterol , because they transport excess cholesterol from the liver to the arteries and release it into the vessels resulting in atherosclerosis;
  • high density lipoproteins or HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), known in turn as "good" cholesterol , because they favor the removal of cholesterol from the blood and its elimination through bile salts, protecting the heart and vessels.

Excessive blood cholesterol levels can be caused by:

  • Overweight
  • Obesity
  • Unhealthy nutrition
  • Smoke
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, often associated with hypercholesterolemia
  • Genetic predisposition

To maintain this level within adequate values ​​to prevent cardiovascular diseases (<200mg / dL) it is important to pay attention to lifestyle : a healthy and balanced diet and an active lifestyle, characterized by constant and regular physical activity, even if light intensity like a walk, they can bring enormous benefits in this sense, lowering the levels of total and LDL cholesterol.

As for nutrition, it may be useful to prefer foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol and focus on light foods, low in fat and rich in fiber, for example lean oily fish, fruit rich in water and antioxidants, vegetables such as pumpkin, fennel , spinach, legumes and whole grains.

Often, however, these precautions, which are also the first advice given in these situations, are not enough . This is the case, for example, of people who are genetically predisposed or afflicted with concomitant metabolic diseases , such as diabetes or overweight.

Fortunately, nature comes to help; in fact, several natural extracts are available which, in addition to reducing the levels of "bad" cholesterol, help to increase the levels of the "good" one, while at the same time carrying out a protective action on the cardiovascular system in general.

Such as Olealipid , a food supplement containing Olecol (a highly titrated extract of Olive Tree), Hibiscus and Fenugreek, which naturally acts on cholesterol control, but not only: it also helps to keep the level of triglycerides and blood pressure under control , simultaneously carrying out an antioxidant action.

Don't miss Olealipid .

Alpha Alpha , or alfalfa, is instead a perennial herb that favors the correct metabolism of lipids; it therefore helps to regulate high cholesterol levels, especially those related to age disorders such as menopause, as it also rebalances the hormonal system.

Come and discover the Alfa Alfa .

Even substances such as Coenzyme Q10, a molecule naturally produced by the body whose synthesis is generally slowed down by age or by taking certain drugs, are indicated to protect the heart and blood vessels while keeping cholesterol at bay.

In Vitaquore , coenzyme Q10 is combined with the extract of hawthorn, pine and zinc , totally natural substances that help regulate the functionality of the cardiovascular system and blood pressure while simultaneously carrying out a beneficial antioxidant action for the vessel walls.

Discover Vitaquore .