It may happen that as temperatures rise, you may feel tired and with a view that gradually becomes more and more blurred; the pressure value can decrease considerably, also causing fainting.

According to the guidelines of the WHO (World Health Organization), normal blood pressure values, measured in resting conditions, should not exceed 130 mm of mercury as systolic or "maximum" pressure and 85 mm of mercury as pressure Diastolic or "minimal". When the pressure values ​​are below the physiological ones, the condition called low blood pressure or hypotension occurs. In particular, hypotension occurs when these values ​​are equal to or less than 90 mmHg for the "maximum" and equal to or less than 60 mmHg for the "minimum".

In the summer, as a consequence of the heat, the body, to keep the temperature constant, activates some defense mechanisms useful to favor the dispersion of heat.

  • The first is vasodilation , a phenomenon in which the caliber of blood vessels increases, thus leading to a decrease in pressure.
  • The second is sweating : when you sweat you lose water and mineral salts. When this occurs excessively, the body can become dehydrated and undergo a decrease in pressure.

There is also a hypotension caused by poor posture: orthostatic hypotension . It occurs when you make a sudden change in posture such as when you get up from the lying position quickly, in this case the pressure is lowered.

What are the precautions to be implemented?

One of the first steps to take, when you feel a sudden drop in pressure, is to lie down and raise your legs in the air.

Obviously the main advice is to replenish the fluids lost due to the heat and decrease the consumption of alcohol that accentuate vasodilation and increase dehydration.

Nutrition also deserves special attention. In fact, the diet plays an important role: avoid too abundant meals and meals rich in carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, pizza which lead to the onset of post-prandial hypotension. Also be careful to get up too quickly from the table after lunch!

A further precaution is clothing: it is better to wear light clothes and not to expose yourself in too hot hours, avoiding gatherings in order not to risk heat stroke.


Nature also helps us with some remedies to keep the pressure in balance.

Hawthorn rich in polyphenols and flavonoids with an antioxidant action favor the regulation of blood pressure. In particular, the Hawthorn bud extract has a normotensive action, positively affecting cardiovascular health.

Hawthorn bud extract

Coenzyme Q10 (or ubiquinol) is a molecule present throughout the body and particularly abundant in the heart , liver, kidneys and pancreas. It is essential for the functioning of many organs, especially the heart to keep blood pressure and cholesterol in balance. In addition, it has an antioxidant and energizing action, ideal for when the pressure is lowered and you feel sluggish.

Pine in dry extract has an oxidizing action. Protects the cardiovascular system, promotes proper circulation, counteracting the damage of free radicals.

You can find all these ingredients in the Vitaquore

Finally the Olive tree has been scientifically proven that the molecules that determine the properties of the olive leaf infusion have the following effects: among the most powerful antioxidants and anti-radicals existing in nature, they are good for circulation, regulate blood pressure, metabolize lipids and carbohydrates.

Find the Olive tree inside the Olealipid