LIBELLULA: torna a sentirti più leggera Ecosalute

DRAGONFLY: feel lighter again

The dragonfly represents the lightness , the grace and elegance .

The Dragonfly box is dedicated to those who want to take care of their legs both internally and externally, feeling more light and in harmony with your body, just like a dragonfly. A 360 ° treatment to fight the blemishes both from within and without, always loving and respecting each other.

Enriched with Exotic Flower Petals for a look elegant And cool .

What does it contain?

  • Healthy Legs: officinal tincture composed of a mixture of four plant extracts, enriched with Horse chestnut , Rusco , Blackberry And Vine leaves donate relief and favors the microcirculation of the legs. (Pack: 100 mL)
  • Body scrub: from the high content of Avocado oil and microgranules of Almond and hazelnut shells . Eliminates dead cells by promoting the renovation cell phone . ( Bottle: 200 mL)
  • Cream against blemishes: body cream a warm effect enriched with Chilli , Centella And Caffeine to promote the microcirculation and reduce the blemishes cutaneous. (Bottle: 200 mL)

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