Those who frequent swimming pools and gyms know it well: hygiene first of all!

Especially after the pandemic that has affected us durably, the opening of gyms and the reorganization of sports centers in general has led to greater attention to the sanitation issue. If previously due caution was taken, now attention has grown in respect of health and hygiene regulations.

Washing your hands often, changing shoes before entering the house, avoiding eye-to-mouth contact, is sometimes not enough.

Have you ever thought about the usefulness of silver?

Not everyone knows that the ancient peoples, Greeks and Romans, used silver vessels to keep drinks cool. Over the centuries, the royal courts continued this practice by storing their supplies in silver containers.

How come?

Silver is not only a beautiful metal, but also valuable for health due to its antibacterial properties. Current research shows that bacteria, viruses and fungi cannot live for more than a few minutes in the presence of even a tiny trace of metallic silver. Silver deeply stimulates skin healing and fights the most dangerous infections of all types of bacteria and fungi.

Ecosalute Colloidal Silver is a remedy for internal and topical use with antibacterial properties.

When to use silver?

  • when you want to purify and disinfect the skin in a natural way;
  • when an insect has stung us, as it soothes the itch;
  • in case of otitis and eye discomfort;
  • for small wounds, being able to heal quickly;
  • to protect the skin especially if you go to public places, environments such as swimming pools and gyms;
  • in case of herpes, candida or cystitis;
  • to disinfect the umbilical cord of newborns

Sports lovers can rely on this special metal and protect themselves naturally from fungi and bacteria. Although in compliance with health and hygiene regulations, gyms, sports centers, swimming pools, are still public places and therefore paying the utmost attention is an absolute priority. Silver is a valid natural solution!

Discover Ecosilver - Colloidal Silver