Those who love exotic and fragrant dishes know very well turmeric or otherwise called Indian saffron. But its use is not limited exclusively to culinary purposes.

Did you know that turmeric can be useful for?

Dermatological problems, infections, inflammation, stress and depression are just some of the ailments that turmeric helps alleviate.

Turmeric exerts many beneficial health effects.

Over the years, scientific research has shown that the properties of this plant derive above all from polyphenols and curcuminoids, the pigments responsible for its characteristic color. Curcumin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects and plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of various inflammatory states.

What are the main properties of this plant?

It is a real detox , aids digestion , stimulates the production of bile , protects the liver by stimulating the production of liver enzymes and reduces the annoying problems caused by flatulence and bloating .

It also counteracts the formation of LDL cholesterol , better known as bad cholesterol, in the liver gland.

Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory: it offers relief in case of musculoskeletal pain, arthritis and arthrosis, as well as in the presence of menstrual pain, colitis, headache, fibromyalgia. It can also be used to strengthen the immune system and keep seasonal diseases such as colds and flu at bay, as well as allergies by functioning as an antihistamine.

Curcumin has important antioxidant properties: it fights free radicals and slows down cellular aging. This effect is very important in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, where free radicals cause inflammation and pain in the joints.

Another property of turmeric is given by its action on the central nervous system and on the brain: it helps to improve memory, reduce symptoms of depression, thanks to its direct influence on the levels of serotonin and dopamine, two neurotransmitters involved in the regulation of 'humor.

Its antibacterial and antiviral properties of the spice are also valuable, which was also used by Hindu populations as an antiseptic and healing agent on small wounds, insect bites, burns, acne and many skin diseases, including eczema, chicken pox, l 'herpes zoster, allergic reactions and herpes.

Natural proposals based on turmeric:

TURMERIC POWDER - also used in the kitchen to flavor dishes and give them an exotic touch

TURMERIC INTEGRATED IN TABLETS - completely free of excipients and with high concentrations of curcumin.

TURMERIC MOTHER DYE - formula in drops to be diluted in water, fruit juice or tea as desired.

CURCUMAXIMA - in its precious formulation for its very high bioavailability and effectiveness without the addition of black pepper, which often causes gastrointestinal pain. In addition, gluten and lactose free, 100% natural.